Utilize rainwater and store it safely in an underground tank. This way, you will conserve water resources, make excellent use of rainwater, and as a result, significantly save money. In many daily activities, instead of wasting drinking water, we can efficiently use high-quality utility water.
A rainwater tank allows you to use collected rainwater for flushing toilets, washing clothes, and watering the garden. If you choose to wash clothes with rainwater, you will also save on the amount of detergent used. Rainwater is much softer, so less detergent is needed. Watering with rainwater is also more environmentally friendly. Unlike drinking water, it does not contain chlorine, has lower salt content, and instead provides essential nitrogen for plants.
Our selection includes rainwater collection sets that feature an Elbi retention tank (available in various sizes), a water pump, and a fully automated system for tank refilling and water extraction. We are happy to assist you in choosing the right rainwater tank. Contact us at eshop@agroaquapro.cz or call +420 483 704 744.
For more details, read our article on how a rainwater tank helps conserve water resources and save money.