Water filters, Page 5


4470 1 mini 2
Water Softener OPC MINI 05 - volumetric - 368
In stock; available within 1–3 days
Code: AQC0001375
4470 1 mini 2
Water Softener OPC MINI 05 - Timed
In stock
Code: AQC0001482
OPC mini 05
Water Softener OPC HYDRO MINI 05
In stock; available within 1–3 days
Code: AQC000942
OP 125
Water Softener OP 125-700
In stock; available within 1–3 days
Code: 4214
from €2 983,20
Změkčovač vody OP
Water softener OP 100-210
In stock; available within 1–3 days
Code: AQC0001423
from €1 547,60
Vodovodní baterie Triple
Triple kitchen faucet
In stock
Code: AQC000968
Vodovodní baterie PURA 2
PURA 2 Faucet
In stock; available within 5 days
Code: AQC0001237
Vodovodní baterie VITUS
DB VIT Faucet
In stock; available within 3 days
Code: 8632
Blue Water TAUPO nerez
DB TAU Faucet
In stock; available within 3 days
Code: 5120/CHR
from €279,20
Vodovodní baterie TUSAR nerez
DB TAR faucet
In stock; available within 1–3 days
Code: 5144/MAT
343 items total
Sada vložek pro CINTROPUR NW 280
from €14,76

Set of 5 pcs cartridges for the mechanical impurities filter CINTROPUR NW 280. Available in these options according to filter fineness: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 300 microns.

Code: AQC0001171
Filtrační vložka na železitou vodu pro FZ 20

Replacement cartridge for iron removal for the Iron Water Filter FZ 20. Size 20". Additional charge for safety packaging - this is very fragile goods that need to be secured...

Code: AQC000902
from €891,60

Multifunctional filter for removing water hardness and nitrates. Water hardness can be adjusted as needed. 3-year warranty.

Code: AQC0001141
Filtr pro navýšení pH vody AQL 87

Filter for increasing pH and water mineralization.

Code: AQC000425
from €839,60

Filter for the removal of iron, manganese, and water hardness with a special filtration mix ECOMIX P. For use in households, small operations, and halls or smaller social...

Code: AQC0001241
Filtr na odstranění železa, manganu a tvrdosti vody OPM 20 72 ECOMIX A
from €863,60

Filter for the removal of iron, manganese, and water hardness with a special filter mixture ECOMIX A. For use in households, small operations, and halls or smaller social...

Code: AQC0001030

Flow filter for the removal of medium to high concentrations of nitrates in water. Designed for the treatment of drinking water with installation under the kitchen...

Code: AQCSET369
Oria filtrační konvice

Water filtration jug with a capacity of 2.8 liters and special filtration that removes chlorine odor, hardness, iron, manganese, and mechanical impurities, modern elegant...

Code: AQC0001142
px eco

Empty PX ECO filter tube with a union nut and sludge valve. Size 9“ ¾. Connection ¾“ or 1“.

Code: AQC0001709
from €199,20

Filter for removal of mechanical impurities up to a size of 100 microns. Includes a self-cleaning system with a flushing indicator.

Code: AQC0001762
Filtration Alkaline Cartridge NATUR pH (Color variation Blue)

Replacement alkaline filter for filter jugs NATUR pH and NATUR pH Slim, which not only filters the water but also alkalizes it — increases the water's pH and grants it...

Code: AQC0001604
Filtrační láhev AQUAPHOR City varianty

AQUAPHOR City is a filtration bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters, allowing you to have filtered water always at hand. The replaceable filter can filter up to 150 liters and...

Code: AQC0001703
Filtrační vložka Aquaphor B15
from €3,40

Replacement filter cartridge AQUAPHOR B15 for filter jugs. Effectively reduces chlorine and other undesirable substances affecting the taste and smell of...

Code: AQC0001684
Filtrační láhev AQUAPHOR City filtry

Pack of 2 replacement filter cartridges for the AQUAPHOR City filtration bottle. The replaceable filter filters up to 150 liters and removes chlorine, heavy metals, toxins,...

Code: AQC0001706
Filtrační vložka Aquaphor Maxfor+ B25 Mg 1
from €4,60

Replacement filter cartridge AQUAPHOR Maxfor+ B25 Mg for filter jugs. Enriches water with essential magnesium and effectively reduces chlorine and other undesirable substances...

Code: AQC0001695
náhradní náplň do pračkového filtru Ecosoft scalex

The replacement filtration cartridge for the Ecosoft SCALEX washing machine filter is sufficient for 2 replacements. Size 200 ml.

Code: AQC000758
Filtr na tvrdou vodu AQL 85

Katex water filter for hard water. Ideal for removing water hardness with the possibility of installation under the kitchen sink. Prevents the formation of limescale.

Code: AQC000424
AWP2933WHT side
from €17,96

The filtration jug has a capacity of 2.6 liters and can produce up to 1.9 liters of filtered water. Thanks to the Micro X-Clean microfiltration technology, it effectively...

Code: 5686/MIC
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